Your Digital Marketing Solution
You’ve never seen cutting-edge digital marketing platforms like this before!
Client Dashboard
From the moment you walk in, everything is just a click away! Our hi-tech and easy to use dashboard will show recent activity, key performance metrics on your feed and current leads so you won’t have to wonder about the activity level of your content and the work being done to benefit your company!
User & Role Management
Control user and role management role with our dashboard! If you have several managers who are anxious to see the metrics of the content and want to track the performance level, give them the chance to experience the dashboard, with restrictions, if needed.
Real-Time Reporting
Consistent reporting in real-time keeps you up to date with any dips in keyword rankings, lead generation, and more. Get weekly SEO reports to see the ranking of your content on search engines.
Activity Feed
Nothing will be kept in the dark with an activity feed that tracks all the effort our team is doing for your business. Transparency is key to maintaining a trustworthy professional relationship.
The 3-Steps to Make your Business an Online Powerhouse
Step 1.
Get in touch with us! You’re only a phone call away from seeing how ChainBreak Marketing can help you grow.
Step 2.
Talk through everything we have to offer and choose the option that’s right for you!
Step 3.
Accelerate your business growth with our all-in-one marketing solutions!